Dr. Jason Strampe is a hospitalist, a dedicated in-patient physician, who has been working on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic treating critically ill patients in Charlottesville, Virginia. In September of 2018, Jason married his lovely wife Amy who is also a medical doctor. Please keep Amy and Jason and all our front line workers in your prayers during this difficult time.
Dr. Strampe is also very involved in Advancing Native Missions At ANM, their mission focuses not on sending missionaries to foreign countries, but instead the serve and support 345 native (local) mission ministries with over 10,425 missionaries, church planters, trainers, and workers working in 92 countries around the world. These missionaries are engaging 858 unreached people groups and are reaching out to more all the time. Click this link to learn more about this wonderful mission organization: https://advancingnativemissions.com/