Pastor Gilbert Limones with Dr. Lex Brown
Pastor Gilbert Limones is the pastor of Casa El Shaddai in Uvalde. Through Dr. Brown, Pastor Limones has become involved with Freedom Prayer. Here is the link to the ministry:
Pastor Gilbert Limones with Dr. Lex Brown
Pastor Gilbert Limones is the pastor of Casa El Shaddai in Uvalde. Through Dr. Brown, Pastor Limones has become involved with Freedom Prayer. Here is the link to the ministry:
Dr. Jason Strampe is a hospitalist, a dedicated in-patient physician, who has been working on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic treating critically ill patients in Charlottesville, Virginia. In September of 2018, Jason married his lovely wife Amy who is also a medical doctor. Please keep Amy and Jason and all our front line workers in your prayers during this difficult time.
Dr. Strampe is also very involved in Advancing Native Missions At ANM, their mission focuses not on sending missionaries to foreign countries, but instead the serve and support 345 native (local) mission ministries with over 10,425 missionaries, church planters, trainers, and workers working in 92 countries around the world. These missionaries are engaging 858 unreached people groups and are reaching out to more all the time. Click this link to learn more about this wonderful mission organization:
Tony Weedor who is from Liberia serves as the Africa Desk Director with Advancing Native Missions and is co-director of ANM’s Love for Muslims department, here is link to their website, where you may learn more about the important work they are doing: Advancing Native Missions He is also an author who just released a new book available on Amazon, here is a link to the website: The Reason for Tears: A Memoir
Tony and his wife Beth fled a brutal civil war in their native Liberia to come to the United States, where they continued their education and involvement in ministry. Tony’s wife Beth has also written a book about their experiences also available on Amazon entitled:
Out of the Ashes: My Journey from Tragedy to Redemption
Tony has served churches and ministries in several African countries, taught in the philosophy department at Denver Seminary, and ministered with Serving in Mission as a specialist on Islam in Africa. Tony and Beth have four children.
Florence Feldman is a beautiful, multifaceted woman, who has led a fascinating life from her work as an organizing consultant to many other projects including, writing and producing an award winning documentary about her experiences as a care giver to her mother who suffered from dementia.
Here is a link to the wonderfully insightful video
To learn more about Florence, please visit her website at
Terence (Terry) Kim holds a master's degree in church ministry from Liberty University School of Divinity and has over 10 years of experience ministering to youth in Korean American churches. He is passionate about mentoring, counseling, and encouraging second and third-generation Korean American youth. Currently, he serves as the Missions Advocate Director for Advancing Native Missions, a Christian nonprofit that connects Christians with fruitful local pastors and ministries around the world who are bringing the love and message of salvation of Jesus to their own people. He has been married to his beautiful wife Jamie for seven years. They enjoy traveling and eating delicious food.
Here are the links to learn more about:
Advancing Native Missions
and Terry’s book: A Letter to the Korean American Church: Reconciling the Gap Between First and Second Generation Koreans
D.J. Carter is the Executive Director of thriVe Women’s Healthcare of Central Virginia with 4 locations providing ultrasound, pregnancy testing, STI/STD testing & treatment, pregnancy options & resources. They also provide building blocks through parenting and life skills classes and offer social services for housing, medical, counseling, utility assistance, food, & other support.
D.J. shares that it is not our job to convict or condemn, but to show other’s the love of Christ and declare the truth of the gospel.
D.J. Carter, a Virginia native is married with 2 children. He is an ordained minister of the gospel and Army veteran and holds a Master of the Arts in Theological Studies from Liberty University.
Here are the links to learn more about ThriVe Women’s Healthcare of Central Virginia
Artist, David Broussard is a skilled sculpture whose welded artwork defies logic and boggles the mind. The beauty of his crosses, butterflies and other designs made from sheets of plain steel, is truly beyond comprehension. David acknowledges and gives all the credit to God for his talent and abilities. David is passionate about sharing the gospel of Christ Jesus through his art and shares the gospel with anyone and everyone who will listen.
Each piece of David’s art is signed with his name and this bible verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17 which proclaims the change that Christ brought about in David’s life. It reads “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”
David along with his lovely wife Michelle, desire to honor God in all they do. Please visit their website: we know you will love his unique, one of a kind pieces of art. Also, here is a link to a super cool video of David the making one of his crosses:
As a 26 year old newlywed, Katie Forsythe found that the trajectory she had planned for her life was about to take a very different path when she was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma a childhood cancer, rarely found in adults. Katie's story is filled with wisdom and powerful insights into God's love and faithfulness.
During this journey with her husband Zane by her side, Katie mentioned the Ebenezers – remembers of the ways in which the Lord had helped them even before they knew they were in need. We all need Ebenezer stones in our lives, to remind us of God’s faithfulness.
Our hope is that the stories we bring you through our podcast will be Ebenezers for you all, continual reminders of God’s ever present help and reminders of all the wonders God has and is continuing to perform.
Music: Summer Rain by Shane Ivers -
Project-44 began as its founder Ben Fields, an auto mechanic, was questioning his role in the world, and more specifically, the church. He felt he was not helping the community the way the church ought to be.
It was during that time that someone gave Ben a vehicle and suggested he fix it up and give it to someone in need. A car ministry was born and took on the name Project-44, named after the 44th book of the Bible: Acts.
Project-44 has become a multi-faceted ministry including:
Counseling ministry: providing affordable counseling to those in need that cannot typically pay for the counseling themselves.
Liberian trade school: currently building a trade school in war-torn Liberia on a 150 acre plot of land.
Family 2 Family: providing boxes of food to those in need.
Outreach group: conducting minor home repairs to those in need.
Project-44’s mission is to go beyond the four walls of a church and help those in need where they need it. Focusing on ministries to help the local community.
To learn more about Project-44 and volunteer opportunities, please visit their website at
Dianne Carlson
Dianne Carlson joined the ALARM team in 2018 as the Director of Justice Initiatives. In her role, Dianne advocates for ALARM’s peace, justice, and reconciliation programs, keeping our US friends, partners, and donors informed and engaged in our justice initiatives.
Dianne is a native Texan whose professional career has included employment with one of the largest law firms in the world, legal research and writing instructor for both the University of Texas School of Law and SMU School of Law, graduate of mediation training, and pro-bono coordinator for Greenberg Traurig law firm. In October 2017, Dianne asked a group of Christian friends to pray with her as she felt a call on her heart to be involved with justice on more than a passing basis. This resulted in joining ALARM to fulfill what she believes has always been her life’s calling: the pursuit of Biblical justice!
Gary Randle
“A lot has transpired since the beginning, but the destiny remains the same. One thing is clear to me, my ability is subpar at best, but when I make myself available all kinds of things happen. I’m constantly surprised! My best attribute is a character flaw...”
The Hunter
Whose call is to protect the hunted.
Have you ever thought that the meaning of your name is the purpose of your mission? For Gary, it is so. He is the “spear carrier” of the battle, the warrior. He carries the burden of saving at-risk boys, nurturing and training them to become leaders, not inmates. He fights for them with all that he has. His name is his purpose and his mission!
After a “Weekend of Champions” prison trip to Amarillo, Texas, he could not shake the pull to do something about the plight of African-American males. He would bravely take that vision and go on to become Co-Founder and Executive Director of HOPE Farm, a place where young inner city boys are transformed by cultivating the whole child- spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
Mentorship was a strong component of the program because of fatherlessness in the lives of the majority of these males. Gary states, “ I knew that I couldn’t do anything for the guys who were in prison, but I could do something to keep guys from going to prison.” Knowing that something had to be done, he prayed, and began the work, the work of transformation. He and his co-founder launched their dream, HOPE Farm.
HOPE Farm is a leadership program guiding at-risk boys to become Christ- centered men of integrity that will be leaders in their families, churches, communities, and the nation. It was founded in 1989 by Gary Randle and Noble Crawford, two former law enforcement officers. They shared the burden of the high level of minority males within the criminal justice system and the personal and societal impact of fatherlessness in most of those males’ lives. Based on his philosophy that “it is easier to prepare than to repair” and realizing the importance of early intervention, they began HOPE Farm to help develop boys without the benefit of a Godly male influence in the home and additionally to support the women raising the boys.
Gary has helped build a program of accountability that encourages boys to achieve standards of excellence. After fifteen years with the Fort Worth Police Department and twenty-five years as the Founder of Hope Farm, Gary finds himself repurposing. Gary’s circle is different, but the mission is the same.
Gary was a native of Riverside, California. In his second year of Junior College, Gary was recruited to play basketball at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas. He graduated with a BA in General Studies and a Minor in Criminal Justice. The epitome of a family man, he is an excellent husband, loving father, and faithful friend. Married to Marilyn for 36 years. they are the proud parents of an adult daughter, Gabrielle.
Meet Audrey and Brandon Stewart with their daughters Cameron and Madelyn. Audrey and Brandon share their story about their moment of crisis when at 9 months old Cameron was in a serious accident that required emergency brain surgery. Listen to this insightful story of how they responded in their moment of crisis.
Sensory play has been a huge part of Cameron's recovery and quickly became Cameron and Audrey’s favorite activity to do together. As a result, Let Them Be Little Sensory Boxes was born. It’s fun for littles but also beneficial for the development of fine motor skills, speech development, social skills and encourages the use of a child's imagination. Let Them Be Little delivers a themed sensory box to your door every month for just $30. Learn more at
Brandon is a counselor at Restoration where their goal is simply to see lives restored. Their mission is to help our clients achieve the insight and practical skills necessary to overcome the barriers to becoming the people God designed them to be. If you are looking for a counselor we can't help but suggest reaching out to Restoration to see if one of their counselors is a good fit for you! Learn more about Brandon and Restoration at
Erika Pitstick grew up in El Slavador, attended college in California and met her husband in Israel. Erika is a business owner, wife and mom to 3 children all under the age of 4. Erika a true entrepreneur wears many different hats, she co-owns Price Right Tree Service with her husband Price, has completed her first children’s book: My Daddy The Tree Climber available on Amazon and has launched her new enterprise - Meet Intentional with Fun Time Dinner Time boxes designed to give families a jump start for making their dinner times special. To learn more visit
Andy McQuitty, is a loving husband and father to his wife Alice and their 5 children. He is a godly man who faithfully shepherded and served as Senior Pastor of Irving Bible Church for over 30 years, where he currently serves as Pastor At Large. He is a graduate of Wheaton College and Dallas Theological Seminary where he earned his Doctor of Ministry degree in 1997.
Andy is the author of 2 outstanding books you don’t want to miss:
Notes from the Valley: A Spiritual Travelogue through Cancer AND
The Way to Brave: Shaping a David Faith for Today's Goliath World
On Good Friday, Christians around the world reflect on the Crucifixion of Jesus, remembering how He took the punishment we deserved by dying on the cross. Even those who do not follow Jesus, are overwhelmed by the story of the Crucifixion ~ an innocent man’s sacrifice, giving his life for another. Blake Gillihan shares his story of how God used the words of a hymn “Before the Throne of God Above” written over 150 years ago to lead him to a new life in Christ.
“Before the Throne of God Above” Original words by Charitie Lees Bancroft (1841-1892), music and alt. words by Vikki Cook. © 1997 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP). All rights reserved. Used by performed by Shane & Shane, is shared with special permission from Shane & Shane and Wellhouse Entertainment
Phil Luckett is a man who has led an exciting, adventurous, jam-packed life. Most people would have been content to have a good paying job as a federal employee. And most people would have felt they won the lottery to work as an NFL referee for 16 years. But Phil Luckett is definitely NOT most people. The desire of Phil’s heart was and still is, to make himself available to God and to follow where ever the Lord leads him. So, not only did Phil have a full career as a federal employee and as an NFL official; he has also been part of a national speaking tour, led 20+ mission trips to Russia and has been an instructor to people around the globe. And yet, the highlight of Phil’s career and what has been most important to he and his wife Shirley and their daughter Ginger, is the addition of their 2 daughters & Ginger’s 2 sisters, Mary and Daria. Here are links to a couple of the ministries Phil mentioned in his Russia Story for you to learn more about the work they are doing.
Bridges for Peace
And the speaking ministry: UnveilinGLORY
Dr. Shailendra Thomas has served in Christian ministry for three decades, serving as women’s and children’s ministry leader, Bible study teacher, and seminar speaker. Dr. Thomas’s experience in education extends over 30 years, serving as an elementary school teacher, instructional specialist, educational consultant, adjunct college professor, Principal at Fellowship Christian Academy and National Accreditation Commissioner for the Association of Christian Schools International.
Dr. Thomas enjoys serving and encouraging women by teaching Biblical truths. She led the women’s ministry at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship for several years and was instrumental in the development of discipleship programs, retreats, and bible studies for women. She has ministered to women of various cultures and denominations on topics, such as, marriage, parenting, and spiritual growth at conferences and seminars throughout the Dallas metroplex.
Dr. Thomas currently serves as Head of School at Scofield Christian School; however, her primary ministry is to her husband of 36 years, Richard, three grown daughters, Lorren, Hillary, and Chelsea, and one grandson, Landon Blake.
Marilyn Randle is absolutely in love with words. A Texas native, her inspiration comes daily through her roles as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt and friend, as well as through deep affection for her hometown of Fort Worth.
In 1982, after living on both coasts, she married her husband Gary and returned to Texas to start a family. For more than two decades, she and Gary have partnered in ministry. They have one adult daughter, Gabrielle.
Marilyn is passionate about travel and has spent most of her adult life seeing the world. She is equally passionate about mentoring. She considers it a privilege to be able to speak into the lives of women. And if hospitality is a hallmark of southern living, then Marilyn just might be the gold standard. To her, it’s second nature. To friends, a comfortable afternoon spent at her Arlington home is a rich experience, like getting a beautifully wrapped gift box filled with great memories and new traditions to take with you and enjoy for a lifetime.
Jennifer Smith is the consummate Christian professional educator, serving the past 20 years in public and private school systems. She earned a bachelor’s degree from University of Texas at Arlington and a Master’s degree in Education from Indiana Wesleyan University. Jennifer is known as a teacher who is passionate about educating the whole child and will not rest until all of her students experience success.
Real and down to earth are often terms used to describe Jennifer. She is very relational and is known for her many friendships at work, church, and in her community. She enjoys staying fit and can often be found jogging in the neighborhood. She resides in DeSoto, Texas, a small suburb of Dallas, where she and her husband Doug are raising three children, Tyler, Douglass, and Clarissa.
What an honor to introduce you to our guests Marilyn Randle, Jennifer smith and Dr. Shailendra Thomas they are co-authors of 2 books Coveted Conversations and their children’s book entitled Image Bearer and currently have a 3rd book in the works.
In this episode we give you a glimpse into the lives of 3 gifted story tellers and the deep and abiding friendship the share with one another. Their honesty, wisdom and transparency are so refreshing and encouraging. In their books, they address most of the challenges we all face at one time or another, offering words of comfort and hope.
Coveted Conversations and Image Bearer may be purchased online from Amazon or Barnes and Noble. To learn more about Coveted Conversations, please visit their website at
As a stroke survivor, Catherine Norman has become passionate about supporting and encouraging other stroke survivors. This passion has led her to become the first “peer supporter” at Texas Rehab Hospital ~ they could not have chosen a better person to help launch their new program.
When Catherine isn’t volunteering, working out or cheering at her son’s baseball games, you will find her at her day job. Catherine Norman is a practicing lawyer in Fort Worth, Texas, where she and her husband Blair are the principal attorneys in their law firm. Norman & Norman, P.C. is a boutique law firm practicing in the areas of Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Administration. To learn more about their firm, here is a link to their website.
This story about an entire community, joyfully sharing from their hearts, giving to the Thompson family who has spent their lives giving and pouring out the love of Christ into an entire city, is reminiscent of the final scene in the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life” where George Bailey is surrounded by all the people whose life’s were made better because of his life. His family, friends and neighbors all rallying together to help their friend whom they love. That is what Jesus commands us as believers to give to one another ~ LOVE.
That is exactly what a community of believers did for Taylor & Ryan and for Jace & Dayna. Don’t you know that Jesus was the last one to leave the celebration beaming with joy and satisfaction.
To read more about the wedding ceremony here are 2 great articles with photos from the wedding!
And check out Taylor’s business Timber and Jane on Instagram at
To learn more about Aledo and Fort Worth Young Life you can visit there site at
Arianna Luther is a strength and conditioning coach at Texas Christian University. She has always been “the strong girl”, but when an injury removed her strength and independence, Arianna’s inner joy and faith in Jesus was able to shine to the most important person in her life. Click on link above to listen to her story as told at a Wonderful To Tell recording session. And here is a link to watch Arianna’s YouTube video to hear more of her story & see her in action lifting weights